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In reply to: CS:GO Makros (Need Help)
January 16, 2015 at 10:43 am #2840Unfortunately, time is never enough, but we are always at work.
Who was with us last year, they know that we spent 18 upgrades, and there assure that this year will be no different.In March or even before we hope to give even Hardline, but it should not be difficult or very different from bf4. And even more we are thinking about GTA V which also has a first-person view.
As for Counter – Strike Global Offensive, as it is a very different game, we had to change many mechanisms client, without conflict.
We want to give a real complete product for CSGO, and easy to use. But at the same time we had a look on mechanisms ban in steam and I anticipate that do streaming video or record must be experts.
However, we have implemented a random factor customizable (default 1 pixel) this will make the macro still effective but undetectable, both from the logs that by admin performing a manual control. There is also to consider that your hand on the mouse always dirty macro therefore a causal factor is already present in nature 🙂
80% means that
We have already tried all the macro and created the database;
We have already changed the visual tuning, now ranges from -200 to +200 in all directions
we are working on expert configuration to make the best experience with it.
As soon as we are ready, you two will be the first to know;)
In reply to: Help 'm new to this program
December 28, 2014 at 1:55 am #2654Hello docwest1,
what you can do?
For first you can send to us an email using the form hereYou should send a screenshot of the MSE client and you specify the game where you are using MSE and the mouse sensitivity in that game.
If you want to use this forum, it is better if the next time, you create a new thread so that we can speak only of your problem individually. This discussion is closed.
My settings are not good for you.
Maybe you do not understand that MSE is an editor because any players have different settings, and for sure how MSE works.we can suggest to you how do , and give you a good point to start
Anyway To help you to find your settings we need:
1) a your screenshoot of mse (3 Times asked)
2) You resolution (last post you write)
3) Sense and dpi (OK i know)
4) Mouse settings in windows
5) Maybe we need a teamviewer connectionbla bla bla
good settings for ace23 there in our forum and in our videos, but are just start point.
A pro player know how find values, because knows how works recoil mechanism in game. MSE is an editor then is easy to configure…Although we speak of a concept quite easy:
RPM Weapon (800) (TIMING)
bullet 1 (x, y) {
bullet 2 (x, y) opposing force
bullet 3 (x, y) to recoil
bullet 4 (x, y) }and so on
With MSE using Weapons DB features you just need configure two values
Pixel Multipliers Vertical and Horizontal… and watch for red values that shows pixel for opposing force.
You can simply (without using the DB) make a macro with the tuning visual, just setting the rpm and the values X and Y on the sight.
More easly :
Each bullet for your RPM value
if the rifle go UP, highest your values
if the rifle go Down , lowest your valueshave a nice day
In reply to: Help 'm new to this program
November 27, 2014 at 8:37 am #2382Hi Rogelio,
I tried GstInput.MouseSensitivity 0.050000 and 800 dpi and I produced a screenshot with good values, remember that you can improve them.
As you can see are only two values to be set, the pixels vertical and horizontal force on the visual.
In the next release we improved the algorithm to avoid the manual correction for the guns that have a recoil prevailing left.
you can start from these settings and learn well how to use MSE, and I assure you there is so much to learn.
bye bye
I’m Alex
In reply to: Cant make it work…
November 24, 2014 at 1:20 pm #2352you can enable or disable autoburst in game.
Sync option is not good for all weapons, especially in bf3, just use it for calibrate the macro and then find your best horizontal value, disabling the sync option.
In BF3 and with m16a3 is better if you configure a custom burst of 4 or 5 or 10 bullets for burst , then you can get a less spread.
I think that the values that I have tried are good for you that uses a sensitivity of 0.03 (settings gstinputmouse), in each case are a good starting point for you so that you find your own values.
best regards
In reply to: Beta Tester Subscription 13 October 2014
October 27, 2014 at 9:55 pm #2197Hi Ovakim,
you send me a mail asking a macro for AAPG.
you write in our YT channel
now you write here…… OKThe reply is the same and reply is here: MSE is a Editor.
TRY THIS …and if dont works how you want you can try to modify Horizontal and vertical. If still dont works you can try to modify RPM just because atm i dunno the RPM of M4 in AAPG…but is not relevant you can make your macro easy just try.
In reply to: Beta Tester Subscription 13 October 2014
October 26, 2014 at 3:40 am #2164[Video]
Spot Core 3.5
Sensitivity 5% (SCREENSHOTS)
DPI : 800
The MarkC Mouse Acceleration Fix 1:1
Screenshots of Macro used in video
The video shows the new features of this release, we will discuss on any bugs or issues found:
List of Bug:
– Aim Mode si bugged? NOT, AM works well.
– StopMode seems not working!
End List
Core 3.5 (microseconds) is accurate and reliable.
You will notice immediately how MSE responds instantly. It is not only improved the autoburst but was improved the macro core.Now thanks to the telemetry you can adjusts properly ours macro timing.
If you uses the Macros in “Normal Mode” (without autoburst) you should set the Round (ms) slightly less than the Round of Default. The rifle Ace 23 has a ROF of 78 ms/Round (Rate of Fire) then set up -> 75ms , because the movement against the recoil should be done before it is fired the next shot. With the visual values of the multipliers is more easy find the correct values, with double precision.
If you uses “AutoBurst Custom” is better if the ROF is the default or higher. If you uses a rapidfire (Autoburst 1 shot) the ROF should be slightly higher for greater accuracy. The ROF should be smaller if you wants to lower the TTK (Pistol, DMR, Shotgun, Bolt Rifle…)
Now you have 3 macros simultaneously with the primary macro:
Normal – Autoburst OFF “*” Key
HipFire – Aim mode on
Autoburst – Autoburst ON “*” Key6 if you count those of the secondary macro. In fact you can use the normal macro for close combat, and the autoburst to a far target.
In reply to: Beta Tester Subscription 13 October 2014
October 25, 2014 at 1:18 am #2144finished the test session
We just put in the release, the correct version, thanks to all your suggestions.
We also returned to the old 1280; 800.
Before going to work for the version, we will spend some time to update the tutorials and how-to.
This is a screenshot of the current version, with a sample configuration for ACE 23.
In reply to: Beta Tester Subscription 13 October 2014
October 21, 2014 at 9:52 pm #2095Installation:
Install the beta in a different folder from version 3.0
What’s New?
In this beta release 3.4.7 Beta
-New Core 3.5
Now the new core is super fast to microprecision.
This major update is aimed to fix a bug on AutoBurst after the upgrade to Core 3.0.
We’ve added telemetry, to help the macro configuration.
For example with the telemetry we can decide whether or not anticipate the ROF of the weapon.-Autologin
We speeded the start, so do not need a login to your intervention.
-Fast Start Stop
We changed the mode of activation of the macro, you can now enable and disable a macro with a single button. Also switch from one macro to another now you can do it without passing through the stop.-Aim Mode 3.5
We’ve added the ability to edit the macro when you shoot without aiming (HIP FIRE), and if you use a aim mode that hold pressed. For the latter, you can use an extra button to have the same immediacy.
It will also be possible to choose whether the macro needs to be turned on or off when you are not aiming-AutoBurst 3.5
In this enhanced version of Autoburst we introduced different variables.
First Delay (Burst Time) is relative to the time it takes for the game to fire the first shot.
The Burst Time is the time required for the event to be logged Mouse Down from the game, it is the time that starts when you press the left button with your finger until the HW signal is processed by the game.The Burst Time is a value that depends on the mouse used, the refresh rate and the performance of the CPU and memory, so a given variable.
Your task is to find the minimum value. But as usual it’s easy: it starts at 1 and increases by 1 ms until the gun fails to fire the first shot.
Second Delay (Wait Time) is the time between one shot and another. So this is the time that must pass before MSE emulate the Left Down.
Px*Vertical and Px*Horizontal allow you to separately configure autoburst macro.
Burst Key allow you to activate macro no spread in game (sound)
Stop at is usefull for testing.Stop the burst where you want it.
-Visual Algorithm
Now you can view the value of the algorithm, which is generated by the multipliers. This helps a lot to set up and find the desired value.
Sync We have added this option is useful when you must configure the values of the multipliers or for rapidfire. Not always the values are equal.
Some Tips
I recommend you shoot a burst and then you go to control telemetry.
The best situation is to have a value of the macro rof in line with the rof of the weapon. for example ACE 23 ROF of 78 , macro rof (avg in telemetry) of 78.
If you want more precision, especially with a rapidfire, you must have ROF MACRO> ROF ARMA, but this goes at the expense of speed.
for example ACE 23 ROF of 78 , macro rof (avg in telemetry) of 82.Magnum 44 Configuration Sample
Waiting for your feedback…Video are fav.
In reply to: Hardware Lock Please Help (SOLVED)
October 4, 2014 at 11:43 pm #1940unlocked
In reply to: Bullet fired into ground (SOLVED)
September 14, 2014 at 4:45 pm #1837can you post a screenshot or send with mail to support team?
if post a screen in this forum hide your mail.
if you want we can take action with teamviewer 20 pm tonight.
best regards
In reply to: Bullet fired into ground (SOLVED)
September 13, 2014 at 8:44 pm #1832You have bigger values in Database of weapons ?
You see Up=0.38, Left=0.15, Right=0.40 ?
If yes -> you can try to change the numeric separator in your Windows international options – “Numbers”
follow this sample
Oblivious you need to restart Mse and then reload your wepons from the DB.
In reply to: Hardware Lock Please Help (SOLVED)
September 4, 2014 at 9:10 pm #1790Hi Igor, i reset your activation, please try now.
[Edit] I see that you work, good gaming
In reply to: Hardware Lock Please Help (SOLVED)
September 2, 2014 at 11:17 am #1779i sent you a mail with solution 15 hours ago… maybe you need to check your inbox and junk mail.
In reply to: My Fail (SOLVED)
August 25, 2014 at 11:15 pm #1765Hi Rancoon,
you do not get a ban for what you described.
Now do you think that we are stupid?Well,
I ask you what is the reason to give your login and the client to another person?
Or do you think we do not know what really happened?
Your behavior is a clear attempt to damage MSE and this we can not forgive. I gave you the opportunity to respond to an email, why you want to make it public?