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  • In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0

    July 16, 2015 at 3:51 pm #5622

    damn …. but it is a very long email 😛
    …. how do we do all this? is hard 😛

    ^.^ Kikko fuck….u

    In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0

    July 16, 2015 at 11:43 am #5617

    Start today? 🙂 i need to know

    In reply to: Thank You

    June 27, 2015 at 8:25 pm #5215

    yes…ehm you’re welcome


    and thx to morfeus also


    the boss here 😛

    In reply to: config screenshot needed for AEK, ACE23

    June 27, 2015 at 7:13 pm #5206


    this to demostrate how you can do with MSE that is the BEST MACRO EDITOR for FPS on the market place 😉

    We are the best!

    In reply to: config screenshot needed for AEK, ACE23

    June 27, 2015 at 4:58 pm #5199

    Dont Worry Karan, we say you thanks for this message.

    Now i ask to you , just for your understanding to try this





    If you look the red circle on the left , i have just added some ms to timing of Autoburst 50ms for UP and 50 ms for Down, this makes lower the ROF of the weapon using Autoburst but you have simply no spread macro, when you need.

    Of course , i use ACE23 and AEK-971 in normal mode and autoburst when need…. Aek and autoburst are not friends 😉

    In reply to: config screenshot needed for AEK, ACE23

    June 27, 2015 at 4:25 pm #5192

    This means that when i change the mouse on my pc the values on MSE changes also…a bit

    for example try it , is the config pack modded (the differences are in red) but just a little and it works better for me…

    i’m using 20% and 800 dpi like you

    [Ace 23 Heavy Barrel – Angled /Folding]

    ACE23_HB_AF_20 Modded

    Obvious if you’re talking to toggle the spread (TOTALLY) on ACE23 and Aek-971 like the AN-94 (with the same ROF, But you can if you lowering the timing of weapon but you lose the advantage) PLEASE STOP THIS NOOB DISCUSSION. This is a macro not a cheat.

    In this video i show you how you can toggle the spread from the ACE23 (wait for render and upload)

    In reply to: Config AN-94, Ace, AEK

    June 26, 2015 at 7:00 am #5165


    OS:Win 8.1 Pro
    Windows Resolution:1920*1080
    Mouse: Logitech G502 Proteus Core
    Dpi 1000
    Sensi In game 9%


    [Video settings ]






    RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 1
    RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 1
    RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable 1
    WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0

    WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
    WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0
    WorldRender.MotionBlurFixedShutterTime 0
    WorldRender.MotionBlurMax 0
    WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
    WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0
    thread.processorcount 4
    thread.maxprocessorcount 4
    thread.minfreeprocessorcount 0

    gametime.maxvariablefps 61
    perfoverlay.drawfps 1
    perfoverlay.drawgraph 0


    weapon: AN-94 Abakan
    accessories: Heavy Barrel – Angled/Folding

    mode: Auto

    macro: Mode Autoburst






    [Video Test No Spread]



    weapon: Ace32
    accessories: Heavy Barrel – Angled/Folding

    mode: Auto

    macro: Mode Normal



    weapon: Aek-971

    macro: Mode

    Heavy Barrel – Compensator/Folding

    mode: Auto Normal


    In reply to: AWS, MG4 & ACE23

    June 15, 2015 at 10:49 pm #5058



    In reply to: AN-94 setup help

    June 12, 2015 at 7:44 pm #4976


    [BF3 – AN94 – Under + Heavy barrel – 12% mouse sensitivity]

    You can use Autoburst (yellow) in single and auto (BEST MODE)

    Normal macro (Green) you can use in auto only.


    Enjoy 😉

    Maybe you can improve it but…. is easy to


    In reply to: ask for beta tester

    June 9, 2015 at 8:54 am #4926


    If you can use the Jets, you could start:

    1) Describe how you jet pilots and controls used.

    2) Make a little video (private) where you explain how you would like it to work the macro and what you expect from this.

    3) What are the favorite Keys for Jet Macro

    4)Any your Ideas


    The macro for the jet will be a “cruise control” to maintain constant speed, we are thinking of a auto.throttle we’ll see ….

    The other idea that we considered is a spawn timer with audible warning (nothing to display or overlay) for anti-aircraft and other aircraft, activated by button

    Nothing else for now

    Thanks in advance.

    In reply to: I'm totaly confused…

    June 4, 2015 at 8:45 am #4880

    [Ace 23 + Heavy barrel+ Angled/Folding]

    9% Sensitivity – 800 Dpi



    Regarding ACE23 , you can use it in normal (green circle) and autoburst (red circle) macro.

    When you configure a macro, a good method to find the correct values,  is to move forward or backward of a single pixel (or half pixel, a quarter of pixel, 0,10 value …related your sensitivity) , -18, -19, -20 or -17,-16,-15 … and so on.

    These values are the red numbers near the multipliers and are obtained by the Algorithm raising the pixel value multiplier.

    For the horizontal value is the same, just remember that negative values are to the left and positive to the right.


    Below I have tried to improve the macro

    pixel multipliers vertical =1,22 with -19,13 pixel (red value) and

    pixel multipliers horizontal =0,59 with -1,5 pixel (red and green values)


    ACE23_HB_AF_9 Modded

    Another tip to get better of your macro, especially on autobutst is to take a look on telemetry and adjust the timing to have a perfect synchro with the ROF of the weapons.

    In this case i have add 1 ms to down to have 78ms in telemetry the same of the ROF of Ace23.


    [Aek + Compensator + Angled/Folding]

    9% Sensitivity – 800 Dpi


    For weapon like Aek with a fast ROF >= 900 Round<70 is better to use a normal macro and control manually the burst, rather that use autoburst.

    This means that you have to shot few bullets (8 is the magic number) to get less spread.






    Personally i’ve changes my DPI from 800 to 1600 (but usually i change it in game)…with the same value for my macros, just because in BF4 i have understand that i need to turn around me ….very FAST but with a low sense in game 😉

    In reply to: I'm totaly confused…

    June 3, 2015 at 7:21 pm #4878

    Please @franky can you send a post of your MSE

    Ace 23 and aek screen

    In reply to: ! New Update Release Date 2015/05/26 – Spring patch

    June 2, 2015 at 7:46 am #4858

    Hi @sergio1

    to modify a behaviour of your macro you need to change Pixel Multipliers Vertical (green) and Horizontal (red).

    In this case , for Y value, you use a pixel multipliers Vertical = 1.22 this means that your macro goes -17,17 down to compensate the force of recoil.

    Captura de Ecratilde 3

    If the gun still goes on, increase the value of the multiplier Vertical in order to have a higher value and counteract the force of recoil.

    A good method is to move forward and try to single pixel (or half pixel, a quarter of pixel, 0,10 value …related your sensitivity) , -18, -19, -20, and so on, these values (red) are obtained by raising the pixel value multiplier.

    Captura de Ecratilde 3 mod1 Captura de Ecratilde 3 mod2


    For the horizontal value is the same, just remember that negative values are to the left and positive to the right.

    I write because it happened, OBVIOUSLY if you use the macro must hold the left mouse button down, at least as long to shoot 8 strokes.



    Next time open a new topic, you’re OFF Topic here.

    In reply to: ! New Update Release Date 2015/05/26 – Spring patch

    May 28, 2015 at 4:44 pm #4795

    How to improve your ConfigPack AN-94 Macro.


    [AN94 – Heavy Barrel – Angled Folding – 9% Sensitivity]


    For normal macro (blue circle) Pixel multiplier vertical 0.65 = -16.73 and just put 1 pixel in horizontal – > Pixel multiplier horizontal 0.88 = -1

    For Autoburst macro (green circle) set 1,49 on PX*Y=-25.05 (because Hb increments recoil up) and an half pixel on Px*X 0.44=-0.5


    Enjoy with autoburst 🙂

    [AN94 – Heavy Barrel – Angled Folding – 20% Sensitivity]


    For normal macro (blue circle) Pixel multiplier vertical 0.65 = -9.06 and  Pixel multiplier horizontal 0.22 = -0.25

    For Autoburst macro (green circle) set 0.75 on PX*Y=12.61 (because Hb increments recoil up) and 0.22 on  Px*X=-0.25.

    Config Pack 20% on BF4 is included in package , download again the client if you have not.

    In reply to: plz Help

    May 23, 2015 at 7:59 pm #4684

    You’re Welcome.


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