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    November 14, 2016 at 10:31 am #7823

    me too :3

    In reply to: I need help AMD.

    October 26, 2015 at 3:22 pm #6870

    Hi Aphro,

    Of course an autoburst macro works better on the rifles with a medium-low Rate of Fire (<800 rpm) but with a rifle like aek that has a fast Rate of fire (900 rpm) works well anyway.



    To set up this macro in your MSE you have to change the Timing Up and Down as the picture and the values of multipliers for normal and autoburst, but remember you this values are mine …. maybe you have to make a little adjustment to your vertical values PX*Y and PX*X, if the rifle goes down or up. You have to lower or to higher the horizontal value if your rifle goes to a direction only. If the rifle goes right you have to high Px*X else if goes left you have to less the X value.

    That’s all you need to know.

    if you use single mode in game, you get more accuracy on macro.

    In reply to: CSGO MACRO values

    October 20, 2015 at 7:23 pm #6820

    you’re welcome 🙂

    In reply to: MSE ProGaming 4.0 SPOT

    October 13, 2015 at 8:16 pm #6774


    Viper :3

    will be the next release

    the upgrade is free, no extra fee … for all of you.

    When ?.?
    the release date is … no morfeus … don’t kill me …

    … ehm , what i was saying … oh yes actually this is not dated.

    In reply to: Feedback for the release – Mse ProGaming 3.9

    September 18, 2015 at 3:42 pm #6575

    yes, stand by

    In reply to: Feedback for the release – Mse ProGaming 3.9

    September 18, 2015 at 3:37 pm #6573

    BUG Revive macro : dont start when submacros 3,4,5,6 are actived. She starts only when i have primary or secondary enabled.

    In reply to: Feedback for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0

    August 13, 2015 at 11:22 am #6073

    CPU Model : i5 4790k
    MB Model : MSI Z97 MPOWER
    Mouse Model : Logitech G502 Proteus Core
    Keyboard Model : Logitech G510 (en layout)
    DPI Y/X : 1000
    OS (Windows version) : Win 8.1 Pro
    OS Windows Language : EN-US
    Windows Resolution : 1920*1080
    Games : BF4/BF4/BFH/CSGO
    Game Resolution : 1920*1080
    Sensitivity in Game : 9% (BF4-H),10%(BF3),3.09(CSGO)

    VOICE COMMANDS (write your feedback)

    About voice commands, I must specify that the choice of using an integrated component of Windows is great but has some limitations. for example:

    • Speech Recognition is only available for the following languages: English (United States and United Kingdom), French, German, Japanese, Mandarin (Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional), and Spanish.

    So if your display language is different, you need to change your display language in windows to have speech recognition enabled.

    for more info take a look here: Microsoft Site

    You will need to install the language pack of an added language first to be able to use the language as your display language in Windows 8.

    To change language or add a language go here: change display language windows 8

    REVIVE MACRO (write your feedback)

    -Revive Macro is ok, in the next release i want change the key associated.

    BUNNY HOP (write your feedback)

    -is ok, but the showed values make confusion. for example 0,1 ms is really 100ms or 0,1 s and so on

    GENERAL (write your feedback)

    -I will write later, i need to test more.

    In reply to: Feedback for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0

    August 12, 2015 at 3:45 am #6032

    this is just the beginning.

    Later, we start a new video contest to get a lifetime subscription, for BF4 and CSGO only.

    To enjoy with VC:
    -Enable SVCI AND SKI on each macro.
    -I suggest to keep the KeyboardDelay and/or the MouseDelay value to 100ms, change it just for test the game limits.
    -You have to choose well the voice commands, for example the command “off” I do not like because sometimes you just need a breath to enable it.
    -If you’re restoring a backup, you have to restart the client at the end, so the Voice Commands in the old setttings are regenerated automatically.
    -Bunny Hop , set Jump to 100ms and Steps to 1s
    -Revive macro, bind the Key 7 to a button mouse

    To enable a Macro say
    1) the name , tips , choose a good name , for example you can change the name “M416” on a easy name like “german”
    2) the Start Voice Commands : On or Start.

    when Enabled to stop a Macro say
    1) the Stop Voice Commands : Off or Stop
    2) the escape voice commands : “go to menu” (escape command)

    -when Enabled all Voice Commands work , except ON and Start and NAME (start command)
    -When you’re using a revive macro (key or vocal) , you can move and you can stop the macro using the wheel mouse.
    -When you’re using a commonrose macro(vocal) you cant move the mouse but you can press keys on the keyboard. Then you can run during the macro stuff.
    -When you’re using a Chat Vocal macro(vocal) you cant press keys on the keyboard but you can move the mouse. Then you can look around during the macro stuf.

    what else?

    Add English as language interface , if different. Later we will focus on thte language.

    Have fun 😉


    In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0

    July 23, 2015 at 8:28 pm #5725

    Ok guys -_=)

    I’m Back…giv to me 3 days from now…stay tuned.

    In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0

    July 21, 2015 at 3:32 pm #5710

    @morf a baby girl, we are in the hospital….. but we are still waiting.

    @Eliana Thanks….About the voice commands, there is no limit to what you can do, in addition to start or stop a macro for example you can take the gun saying “pistol” or whatever you want…or more

    For example, I was working on “common rose” (BF4,BF3) with voice commands …. I assure you that it’s great.

    It’s clear that for each game you can create,with 4.0, the new combo macro and assign a voice command. In CSGO for example I would say “Buy loadout” to buy rifle and grenades, smoke … There I was working.

    In this first part, we will test the voice commands and other tweaks (bunny hop, revive macro) and jet macro that we still have to add.
    At the end , we need to wait to see the new graphical interface that is the most challenging job. But with a new graphical interface, we will eliminate profiles management that will replace it with a more practical loadout basket. With voice commands there will be no limits buttons to assign a macro, then potentially you can call a macro simply by speaking the name or value you have set. (not in this beta where you have to switch the profile so complicated).

    I apologize to everyone for this delay, but 🙂 I am very happy about what’s going on around me …

    as you can see there will be a lot of work with this beta, I ask a lot of collaboration, also because we are the first to introduce voice commands in a game and we can do it together. Another point would be the question of which games support with 4.0 … if you keep these COD and Titanfall or better integrate other games also free to play.

    ….dont worry i will back soon 😉

    In reply to: Smoke Glitch On CS:GO

    July 20, 2015 at 9:08 am #5697

    Do you can load a screenshot of MSE?

    I did the promotion, but did not imagine that is so low…. 🙁

    Most likely, after two years he not understand how SKI and SMWI works or, but I will not believe, he uses MSE without the fix of Regional Settings in windows.


    he think that a macro can interact with a smoke … really a noob. It’s possible that he had used cheats in the past and then are thinking that even a macro interacts with the game.

    Maybe he had bound some keys that can create annoyance …. frankly I’ve never seen one of his screenshoot.

    However, it is the same person who wrote here in this forum that the December 1, 2014 all macros were banned on bf4 by fairfight. It’s Better of Maya culture


    Another nice reply of Rebecca:

    Testing the beta 3.5

    In fact, he joined the beta? No.

    I do not know what to say I’m sorry morf.

    In reply to: Hardware locked two times.

    July 18, 2015 at 10:06 am #5645

    you are welcome.

    I am happy that you solved, but I have not found any your password reset in our logs. Are you sure you follow the steps correctly?

    next time contacts us for first, so we can look if there a problem with your account.

    ^.^ hf

    In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0

    July 18, 2015 at 9:58 am #5644

    today…just i have to complete last activities.


    it’s magic

    In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0

    July 16, 2015 at 9:58 pm #5629

    @Morfeus ^.^ fuck you too

    Thnaks but It not yet arrived … soon … very soon…maybe with new moon

    In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0

    July 16, 2015 at 9:53 pm #5627



    vacation, sea, and to be or not to be ….
    I know i’m alone … again
    🙂 I love you.

    the beta starts tomorrow, I’ll send everyone an email.

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