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In reply to: Week of the Beta (MSE 4.0)
September 13, 2017 at 9:28 pm #8610Alex here … in reply to Socola ๐
I will produce a lot of Tutorials for the new .. it’s a promise.
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January 12, 2017 at 2:21 pm #8196@woogie sent
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January 12, 2017 at 9:04 am #8192@singhsta with pleasure
check your mail!
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January 11, 2017 at 9:28 pm #8188@jonhy ofc .
check your mail
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January 11, 2017 at 5:56 pm #8185@prophet check your mail!
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January 10, 2017 at 2:06 pm #8167as promised. @Le marec
Some screenshoot for BF1 using 3.9. I have tested by myself in multiplayer and all works good, i love automatico M1918 (no autoburst) aimed and not aimed.
All macros ,except for automatico, have autoburst enabled with a ROF a bit slow than the default (75 ms), managethe timinig on Autoburst to get a macro for distant targets as the Mp18.
Automatico M1918 ๐
lewis low
madsen low
m1909 benet
lewis soppressive
mondragon sniper
mp18 optical
m1907 sl sweeper
let me know your feedback!
Sensitivity in game 10%
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January 5, 2017 at 3:47 pm #8148@yellow21 is present a telemetry.
In theory, in a rapidfire you add the time to press the up button and the time for the down button. About the time of the code is nothing , about <1ms.
Is not the same in the game, where the pression of a key does something, and something needs a time, in any case.
In fact using a rapidfire you really emulates the pression of left button mouse to do in the game.It’s what you are talking?
With MSE the time is at the minimum possible <1ms, the delay between the up pression and down again.
Usually the delay , in a game, should be 10~25ms or your game cant get the event and you have to add the delay of the weapon in use, so the difference is even relative and variable, not so much but normal macro is the only macro with the same rof of the game.
All this talking of automatic rifle , instead for bolt semi-auto rifle autoburst is into the ROF.
Tip: to get max from your autoburst-1, you can keep the default value on the DOWN timing and modify the UP timimig only ๐
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January 5, 2017 at 9:48 am #8127I want share an example of macro for BF1 using the current 3.9
I didn’tย used ย “Weapon Database“, because you will not see the correct name in the status when the macro is enabled.
Sensitivity 10%
of course if you ‘re using a different value in game, you can customize Y as well. For example if you ‘re using 20% you can set y= -20 and -23 ,5% Y =-80 and -110
Class : Medic
Rifle : Selbstlader 1916 Marksman
ROF : 225
MagSize: 26
Autoburst ROF: default value is 134 that i have Modified on 150 for up and down values, this minimizes the spread and random values. You can set 267 on up and down and remove macro values to eliminate the spread totally but is very slow, just to use in long range i suggest to create a new macro for and use when need. In MSE 4.0 we can use multiple AB for a rifle(vip feature).
SMWI : Max wheel position 2. This doesn’t works as i would for SKI but works good for SMWI. In fact i have binded the key 3 , where i have the medical crate, so i have to press 1 all the time or better if you scrolls up the wheel to get rifle. In MSE 4.0 this is fixed as i seen ๐ .
SKIย : Enabled + Revive macro on KEY 7 ( i have binded on my mouse the key 3 for mediccrap and 7 for revive) Revive macro works very well ๐ im happy for it
AimMode : ย as image below, this help you in hipfire
GetPrimary : enabled (is important for ski and smwi and usefull)
Expert: ย Enabled ; first bullet on -40; all others on -55 and remeber to press the button ->ย “All Custom”
HighLighted settings
As secondary i have configured the best balanced pistol, M1911
ROF :ย 300
MagSize:ย 8
Vertical : -40
Also in F9 i have configured the Selbstlader with the default ROF to use in close combat
What else? Maybe i missed some … ?
Anyway for any question I’m here to help all of you to make any macro for any rifle for BF1.
Try this and tell me if you start to boost up your medic class in BF1.
At the end i want add this: MSE 3.9 works well , but of course to use on any game we have to merge the acknowledgement of game with the acknowledgement of MSE.
Maybe this is not easy for all, but ask for it it’s free ๐
Keep patience for MSE 4.0, because is not a project BF1 oriented, but is a new platform Macro for FPS Games and not only in the future.
As community , the time will come, and I assure you very soon, that we all could work and customizing our MSE as we want, sharing ideas , adding new feature and improving the product .
In reply to: one or two questions
December 19, 2016 at 7:12 am #8054In reply to: one or two questions
December 17, 2016 at 11:58 am #8046@Haxer pls can you manage the forum for a while?
reply to here or send a mail to web@mseprogaming.netAlex
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December 17, 2016 at 11:44 am #8042๐
In reply to: Difference
November 20, 2016 at 9:19 pm #7923In reply to: Moderator Application
November 20, 2016 at 2:01 pm #7905well, signed in. I will send you more info about this. Not soon. So after the release.
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November 20, 2016 at 9:17 am #7900In reply to: Sign up below
November 19, 2016 at 11:14 pm #7897Battlefield 1 Database 100%
Battlefield 3 Database 100%
Battlefield 4 Database 100%
Battlefield HardLine Database 100%
CsGo DataBase 100%
Skill Database 100%
AAPG Database 100%
R6S Database 100%I have updated the new game databases presets, so those games are ready to go…waiting for.
Shared Databases are not started ๐ so … maybe this feature can be added later …………………………………………………………………………….
please integrate …