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  • In reply to: MSE Einstellungen

    February 25, 2015 at 11:02 pm #3705

    Translation English to German:

    Admin schrieb:

    Hallo Mike

    Ich spreche leider nicht gut deutsch und habe es übersetzen lassen un leider nicht verstanden.
    Wir arbeiten an neuen Tutorials aber ich hoffe jemand der deutsch kann antwortet dir in deiner Sprache.
    Morgen können wir einen Termin machen wo wir über Teamviewer arbeiten. Obwohl die Sprache anders ist kann man das MSE sehr einfach benutzen (edit by Thomas: Ich verstehe den Satz nicht ganz aber so ungefähr ist es gemeint)

    To the Admin from Thomas:

    If you like i will help you by the Translations over TS3 or Skype.. 😉

    Cheers Thomas

    In reply to: MSE Einstellungen

    February 25, 2015 at 10:51 pm #3703

    Hallo Mike! Ich werde das mal für dich hier übersetzen so gut es geht 😉
    Dear Mike! Im tryin to translate this for you by the best i can do 😉

    Translation german to english:
    Mike wrotes:

    I do not speak very good English but i hope you Understand me. We are a Clan with serveral Members who are using the MSE. Its very hard to adjust every Weapon. Ive seen your Video from the SKS and try it on my Client and it works great for me and my Clan Mates. We dont have the same hardware and by all of us it works really good with the SKS.
    Now my Question: Do you can setup more Weapons for us and create a Libary for this? only a Picture with the optimal settings will be fine.
    Or maybe you can save the Optimal Settings in the MSE direct? 😉
    Now im very interested if are you understand me 🙂

    Hope Admin you understand it 😉

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Thomas.

    In reply to: bf4 auto spot

    February 20, 2015 at 9:01 am #3606

    Spotting Makro didnt works well and i Have to say yes im Tryin it on my G19 😀
    If you play CQ with Vehicles it is cool you see all Enemies and have a advantage.. IN Jets/Helicopters its really great!
    For Infantry modes its crap! you spotting all enemys too but the Makro fires sometimes without pressing the left Mouse Button..
    My Opinion: you dont need it in Inf. Mode 😉

    In reply to: bf4 mk11 mod0

    February 18, 2015 at 9:15 am #3560

    Punkbuster will not ban you.. The Makro dont modify the gamefiles so Punkbuster can not detect something.. But Fairfight watch out for other Things.. If you shoot 5 shots and all the time the Second shot hits the Head (Headshot) you will be banned.. not directly of course.. fairfight collects the data for a time and then you get a ban.. If you fired the hole magazin in 2 seconds i believe Fairfight will collect this.

    The other Side of the Might now.. If you buy a new mouse you can get some with autofire.. Mhh is this a cheat in the Game? Not really.. You dont be get banned for your Mouse Software!

    My Oppinion: DOnt rage to hard! Im using the MK11 for 2 week with Autoburst no Problems no Fairfight Messages or anything else.. The best way to be sure… DOnt modify to much the firerate.. you can change it yeah.. but in real dimensions.. No one will believe you that you can press your mouse button in 2 seconds 21 times.. If you make 3 kills while hitting 21 Times the mouse in 2 Seconds its incredible.. And Fairfight looks for this..

    But im a User like you and the Staff and Developers has to explain this They now the Programm to 100% and can give you the right Answer

    Cheers Thomas

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Thomas.

    In reply to: help mse loader

    February 17, 2015 at 5:12 pm #3543

    I need a thumbs up smilie Bro! 😀

    In reply to: help mse loader

    February 17, 2015 at 3:28 pm #3539

    Question 1: Are you really downloaded the newest Version?
    Question2: Do you rename the.exe in the update with the same Name from your existing .exe?

    But a short Solution..

    If you have to update every day something is wrong by you. The last update was last Week and today.

    So something went wrong by you or between the update Process.. or you dont rename the .exe with the same Name…

    Regards Thomas

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Thomas.

    In reply to: Language Sektions

    February 15, 2015 at 10:40 am #3493

    Yes understand that 😉 its sadly.. but ok.. 🙂
    You know sometimes i have good Ideas but then im learning everyday something hahaha
    Cheers! Have to setup the SKS now 😉

    In reply to: Failure …

    February 8, 2015 at 8:09 pm #3352

    Huh! if i look the Problem from this side i can only say.. youre right.. 😉

    In reply to: Failure …

    February 8, 2015 at 6:27 pm #3343

    Yes G19 Keyboard from Logitech..
    Software works fine no crashes.. but i founding out something..
    If im using MSE with The g19 Makro for spotting i get the failure.. even with the new Client which im downloading for a hour..
    Without Makro from G19 all works fine..
    If are here any guys from the Board with the same issue?!
    Olz all! say something to this!! only yes or no is enough

    Im tryin now with compatiblity mode to WIN7. Maybe it will help 😉

    In reply to: MSE Download

    February 8, 2015 at 5:04 pm #3341

    The Solution for us:
    All Member remembers the Login on your Page and im link directly them to the page.. they have only go to their accounts and download it..

    In reply to: Failure …

    February 8, 2015 at 4:55 pm #3339

    Well i dont try to crack something or anything elde 😉
    I have run a spotting macro on the G19 too.. maybe that will dont works with the MSE? I wrote up my Settings and delete now the whole MSE root Direction. Then im downloading the Toll again and start it.. give me some Minutes 😉

    In reply to: Failure …

    February 8, 2015 at 4:46 pm #3337

    all updates i hav done so:
    First i downloaded the Client. Then i rename the .exe and then i copy the File to my root Direction from the MSE Tool..
    It is false? When i rename the Client all Settings will be deleted right?

    In reply to: MSE server?

    February 7, 2015 at 12:45 pm #3294

    wmaybe we can rent a 3 Slots Server? 😀 With roundstart at 2 😀

    In reply to: MSE Download

    February 6, 2015 at 5:04 pm #3279

    Well good for asking this! Dont will do this then..
    Deeplinks to your Site are forbidden too right?

    In reply to: MSE server?

    February 6, 2015 at 3:16 pm #3272

    My oppinion is i have a Clanserver and i want to play on my Server.. many PPL will think the same..
    but.. there are many PPL who dont has a own Server but 10 slots is too small… maybe 24.. but that will be planed and we need cash for that

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