Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0
August 8, 2015 at 11:26 pm #5948I Think good things need Time.. Good Job! 😀
In reply to: counter strike source macro
August 8, 2015 at 1:54 pm #5944In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0
August 7, 2015 at 2:08 pm #5939I Think they are hard working on that..
In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0
August 3, 2015 at 10:04 am #5897Oke 😀
In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0
August 3, 2015 at 9:41 am #5895Where to find the Beta Client? Search for it but didnt find anything. Or the Date isnt korrekt?
In reply to: BF4 Config Pack
August 2, 2015 at 1:08 pm #5883Thx Bro’ Have looked everywhere but not on my PC 😀 the Answer can be sooo near 🙂
In reply to: Sign up for the Beta – Mse ProGaming 4.0
August 1, 2015 at 4:36 pm #5849its like Christmas 🙂
In reply to: Hardware locked
May 22, 2015 at 12:47 pm #4604thanks a lot 😉
In reply to: MSE Einstellungen
February 27, 2015 at 5:42 pm #3770Translation:
Hello and thx for your fast Answer!
Thanks Thomas for the Translation.
We all ahve high Quality Hardware. Only Logitech G.. and Razer Hardware..
The great Problem by us is we dont know in which steps we have to work..
We load the Weapon Settings from the loadout in MSE yeah but then?? We adjust than in the Tunning (Algorithm) WIndow left/right Up/Down.
But what to do for Autoburst? Its enabled and works too but the bullets are spreading..?
We need the Disription for this..Autoburst:
Px*Y Px*X what means that?? we dont know what this do..
Tuning Visual Caibration and Tuning Algorhytm is the same? Sometimes we have good Settings (for us) by using both..Cheers Mike
*edit Thomas:
Puuh Admin m8 really really strange for all 😀 I do my best for the Translation really but i have yesterday 5 Hours testet with Mike and his M8´s but nothing works.. and they really dont know what to do.. I This Questions i cant explain.. The big Problem is to understand what means Px*Y and Px*X. The Timing Sektion is clear for them.. They dont understand the Funktion from Pixel Mutipliers (in the Autoburst Sektion) and the Funktions from the Tuning Algorithm Sektion.
I have to say i dont know the coorect Funktion from this 🙁
Maybe you can made a Video where you setup a weapon and mark the Funktions what to do..
Chees Thomas
In reply to: MSE server?
February 27, 2015 at 12:29 pm #3765Ive Forgot to say.. Im sponsoring a TS3 Server for this 😉
In reply to: MSE server?
February 27, 2015 at 9:45 am #3758mhh thats a Idea!! Well lets give a try.. 😉
In reply to: MSE Einstellungen
February 25, 2015 at 11:58 pm #3716email checked 😉 will do this tomorrow and post it to you 😉
have to sleep now!
Good Fight and a good Night 😉Cheers Thomas
In reply to: MSE Einstellungen
February 25, 2015 at 11:48 pm #3714In reply to: MSE Einstellungen
February 25, 2015 at 11:33 pm #3711I will try to give him some Orders.. But.. I can never give him perfect settings! you see my SKS Settings and what are you do for perfect shoots 😉
I will try to hear which weapons/wishes he has and try to adjust soemthing.. i made Screenshots and send it to you.. Is that ok?
Admin Plz send me his emailaccount to my Email Account
- This reply was modified 10 years ago by Thomas.
In reply to: MSE Einstellungen
February 25, 2015 at 11:28 pm #3709Tanslation english to german:
Admin schrieb:Das MSE ist ein Editor, was kann/soll ich noch machen?
daher warte auf neue Tutorials..Im grunde genommen ist ein Makro folgendes
XIn der vom MSE genutzten Datenbank sind voreingestellte Werte
Normal Modus ohne Autoburst:
Pixel multiplikator vertikal für -> Y
Pixel multiplikator horinzontal für -> XWenn du die Dtenbank nicht nutzen möchtest dann stelle einfach nur die Feuerrate ein und nutze im Visual Tuning Fenster noch die Regler für die Y + X Achse. ( gemeint ist das kleine Fenster mit dem Visier)
Die werte sind relativ zu deiner Sensivitität und den basis Windows Einstellungen
Die Hardware beinflusst die Einstellungen. Eine bessere Mouse erzielt bessere Werte.Der Vorteil von einem Editor ist das er die erlaubt zu spielen wie du möchtest, mit deiner sensivitität und der möglichkeit alles am makro dir so einzustellen wie du es möchtest.
Es ist schwer zu glauben das alle in deinem Clan mit den selben Einstellungen spielen. Das ist sehr unnormal und auf jedenfall wird einer von euch nicht so gut spielen wie er könnte.