Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Errore impostazione
April 2, 2015 at 7:02 am #4275because of the response, such as sending one screeanshoot. and video.
and then ‘enough to create a new profile without
rename .exe
the latest version and practically perfectthank you
In reply to: Anyone be called out for aimbot ?
March 23, 2015 at 1:16 pm #4172I think that without this program
I stop playing infantry
thanks mse and staffIn reply to: Anyone be called out for aimbot ?
March 23, 2015 at 11:48 am #4169do not worry you’re not using
a cheat but a macro outside, use it safelyhello viper I use this for a year and I can assure you 1000 to 1000 fidare.MSE not visible to anyone nor to punkbuster. you need to do as I understand the advice of the staff. only program running and safe is also recommended to all your friends, hello and worry
In reply to: !New Update Release – Core 3.4.9a
February 9, 2015 at 11:46 am #3370Hi, I wanted to thank the new relase, correction
now it’s much easier to calculate with added accessories
Good jobIn reply to: !New Update Release – Core 3.4.9a
February 5, 2015 at 3:31 pm #3241thank you for your answers but it was only with MG4 I wanted to have some consiglioperché for the rest I never said nientedel program maybe I’ll increase ‘will lower or’ something that I can not understand thanks
In reply to: !New Update Release – Core 3.4.9a
February 5, 2015 at 12:27 pm #3238excuse my English because I use a translator who definitely
does not write properly
If I could write in Italian I would explain better.
the program works wonders and ‘functionality of a’ super am I on some weapons I remains difficult
give the right valuessorry again
[Quick Reply]
Dont you care you’are wtih friends.
Send a mail to Alex, in your language.
You have to consider that there are weapons that work better than others. So there will be macros that work better than others.[Alex]
and that there are user that work better than others.for example
dpi: 2000
ingame sen: 7%
fov 64( hor 80)
attachment : angle grip. kobra
mse setting: is what I can do with those settings
From this user have never gone with teamviewer, he does not want 🙂
But I am sure that many here, as sirbart fail to make this performance. Why?
Without Macro is then impossible for 99% of the players.
Yet SirBart and Than have the same software, there must be something wrong.
I have been 4 times to him with teamviewer, Morfeus say you that with a fifth time he understands?
Yes give a chance, in spaghetti language- This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Admin. Reason: dont worry
In reply to: !New Update Release – Core 3.4.9a
February 5, 2015 at 10:41 am #3234Good morning, I wanted to ask a question
if possible always on MG4 + irnv, ’cause by setting 7% in game 800dpi inserting both heavy barrel +
angled car burst 1 shot to stop 30shot to a distance
say 30 meters horizontal shots are not controllable
inserting or nearly your values
how can I even out the spread horizontally left and right
’cause I can not even spreadthanks as always
In reply to: Beta – Core 3.4.9b – FeedBack
February 2, 2015 at 12:32 pm #3082perfect and thanks
In reply to: Beta – Core 3.4.9b – FeedBack
February 2, 2015 at 11:47 am #3080I wanted to ask the staff about the values that you set on the MG4 + irnv on which sensitivity both in game and dpi and ‘should have.
I set 7% in game and 2000dpi and ‘wrong?
perfect video complimentsIn reply to: Sign for BetaCore 3.4.9 – Counter Strike GO
February 2, 2015 at 11:41 am #3079hello and good morning, I wanted to thank all the staff for this beta and the assistance given through teamview especially for taking the time to alex
In reply to: Sign for BetaCore 3.4.9 – Counter Strike GO
January 29, 2015 at 9:37 am #3028# 1705
In reply to: 8 How to use – Aim Mode
January 29, 2015 at 8:41 am #3027PASSWORD
In reply to: 8 How to use – Aim Mode
January 29, 2015 at 8:37 am #3026Good morning, I apologize for writing in this section,
thanks for the wonderful video, I wanted to ask for the new version of the beta asks me a pass or only usable for CSIn reply to: 8 How to use – Aim Mode
January 28, 2015 at 11:06 am #3015Good morning, I need your help
about a macro weapon MG4 with viewfinder irnv.
7% in the game and 4000dpi autoburst 1colpo,
how to set macro best according to your advice
to decrease less spread in the different distances, if possible
a tutorial
thank you for your attention