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  • In reply to: PKP pechneg whn fire mouse sticks to ground

    December 10, 2014 at 4:29 pm #2477

    send a screen of Mse , just to see if you’ve correctly configured the sw.

    @email or here

    In reply to: ACE 23

    December 1, 2014 at 11:28 pm #2434

    You must not change the values of recoil of the weapon, but only the values of the algorithm.

    just this

    “With MSE using Weapons DB features you just need configure two values

    Pixel Multipliers Vertical and Horizontal… and watch for red values that shows pixel for opposing force.”

    For your sensitivity you have to configure the multipliers with higher values

    in this screen we have the values for a sensitivity of 5%×640.png

    you try with values around 2,39 (pixel vertical)

    Now i should to remember at you:

    You can use macro with or without Autoburst (in game use key “*”)

    For normal macro (without autoburst) the values are the pixel multipliers in the right-bottom corner. Under the values of recoil , that you should NEVER (+NEVER) modify.

    For autoburst the values are the Px*Y and Px*X, that are showed when you select a single shoot for autoburst (RapidFire)

    If you use a custom burst (like your screen) the values are the pixel multipliers, as the normal macro

    In reply to: ACE 23

    November 30, 2014 at 11:01 pm #2427

    @carlo use this

    Hide your email

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Admin.

    In reply to: ACE 23

    November 30, 2014 at 4:38 pm #2419

    1) How much have you accuracy?
    2) Your Mouse?
    3) Ask to you for a screen of MSE , still waiting.

    Your sensitivity is a preference, low sensitivity is not always better than high sensitivity, high sens is not better than low sens. If you were to experiment around with a range of different sensitivities you would find there would probably be some sensitivity for you. You know it’s a good setting if above it you play worse, and below it you play worse.

    People debate about high and low sensitivity often. The benefit people most often claim about lower mouse sensitivities is that it separates looking and turning from precise movements like aiming or controlling recoil. With a low enough sensitivity you will be able to look and turn by moving your whole arm, and then precisely target and shoot moving just the hand. For some players this is very beneficial. I have also heard things like, because the arm is closer to your brain stem it takes less time for the nerve synapses to reach the muscles so you can react faster than by just moving your hand or wrist. 🙂

    Never use a mouse sensitivity because someone else uses it. It’s a preference and it varies from person to person. If you are going to use a lower sensitivity you need to have good sound to know where to be looking to minimize the slow turning disadvantage. If you’re going to play a high sensitivity you need steady hands and a mouse with good DPI. On the other hand optical mice are ideal for lower sensitivity because they tend to malfunction at higher speeds. To use a really low mouse sensitivity you need to be able to move your mouse blazing fast at a moment’s notice. Many pros use large mouse pads with a very slow sensitivity and it takes a lot of skill to play well with such low settings.

    People who do not use the driver may have preset options like: 400, 800 or 1600dpi. The important thing is to use the full capability of the mouse when playing. No matter what sensitivity you play the game at, you really should use your mouse on it’s highest dpi setting while in-game. This gives the finest precision and makes movement feel noticeably smoother. The only exception to this rule is players using a very low sensitivity may sometimes be able to reduce negative acceleration at a lower dpi setting.

    Although this is certainly not a rule. For example, the best low sensitivity mouse made, the DeathAdder, has a glitch that causes it to have worse tracking and more negative accel at less than it’s maximum 1800dpi. Using less than the maximum will not fix skipping, only negative acceleration. (move the mouse so you turn 180 degrees, measure the distance moved, move the mouse very quickly so you turn 180 degrees, if it takes farther, thats negative accel) Laser and other bad mice may tend to skip at high speeds regardless of what dpi they are using. In general though I still recommend you use the maximum dpi of a mouse.

    The reason why you perhaps haven’t used the highest resolution of the mouse is because you found a sensitivity that you like and don’t want to mess it up by making the mouse faster. Here is a formula for calculating what your new in-game sensitivity should be when you switch dpi settings:
    [(Current dpi) x (In-game sensitivity)] / (Maximum dpi) = (New Sensitivity for max dpi)
    Using this formula you wont change the overall sensitivity in Game. For example if I’m using a 400dpi mouse at in-game sensitivity 0.750, and then I buy a Razer DeathAdder, I will use it at 1800dpi but reduce my in-game sensitivity to 0.167 and my overall sensitivity stays just as slow. (~25 inches to turn 180)

    Just because some mice can do a very high dpi, does not mean you should upgrade to them for dpi alone. There is a simple formula for approximating how much dpi your mouse actually needs to have to not cause any problems with precision. The ideal is that each input from the mouse turns you just one pixel or less on the game screen. This formula works if you have a field of view is 90 (FOV) degrees at a 4:3 aspect resolution. The number of vertical pixels is the second number in your resolution. (like 768 in 1024×768 or 1200 in 1920×1200)
    [(Vertical # of pixels at in-game resolution) x 2.667] / (inches needed to make a 180 turn) = (Necessary DPI)
    This shows how much dpi is actually useful for the sensitivity and resolution you wish to play at. For example if I play at 1024×768 and want to turn 180 in 3 inches, it would say I need at least 700dpi to do that and still have pixel accuracy inside the game.

    At higher sensitivities and resolutions there is certainly some benefit of extra dpi. Once you go beyond what this formula says you actually need there will be a point where you can’t even notice it anymore. Because you get aiming precision way smaller than one pixel. An example of this would easily be sensitivity .25 at 2000dpi. A player who uses this wouldn’t even notice any difference in their accuracy switching to a 400dpi mouse. Having more dpi than you need does not hinder you. Having less dpi than you need does.

    This is a general guideline:
    Low sensitivity (8+ inches to turn 180) can get away with any dpi higher than 200 without affecting the game. Maximum tracking speed is more important for these players.
    Medium sensitivity (4 to turn 180) will probably want at least a 400dpi mouse but 800dpi could benefit some who play at higher than 1024×768.
    High sensitivity (under 4) will want at least 1000dpi and even beyond with faster settings. These players see the most benefit from more dpi.

    In reply to: ACE 23

    November 29, 2014 at 9:39 pm #2415

    like …a Tank!
    why so slow.

    post a your screen…just for understand if you are right or not.

    In reply to: HARDWARE LOCKED

    November 29, 2014 at 1:02 pm #2410

    You need to reset your password on this website:

    1)Before the login (logout if you’re logged) click on “Lost your password”

    2)A mail will be send to you, follow instructions and reset your password

    3)launch again the client

    4)Any abuse get a ban

    In reply to: Help 'm new to this program

    November 27, 2014 at 9:57 am #2391

    please send me a mail with your info.

    use brain

    In reply to: Help 'm new to this program

    November 27, 2014 at 8:17 am #2380

    Hi Rogelio,

    your english is good!

    send me a screenshoot of MSE (with mail) and if you want, we can make a teamviewer connection (remote control).

    There are many users who speak Spanish, let’s see if someone comes to give you a help 🙂

    P.S. Good Morning here 😉

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Admin.

    In reply to: Cant make it work…

    November 27, 2014 at 8:07 am #2379

    Hi Rogelio,

    Welcome on board 🙂

    As you said correctly, you just bought our product then you should read our tutorials.


    Do not spam the Forum, is not useful indeed makes us angry.

    Always send one screenshoot of MSE (hiding your mail if you post in forum) and you explicit always the game that you want to play, we are good but not soothsayers.

    You do not have to ask for things like you’re crying, to get a better answer is always better to formulate a good question and specify your hardware.

    It is also important to indicate its sensitivity in game.

    best regards

    Team Support
    MSE ProGaming


    In reply to: Please configuration AEK971 core 3.5

    November 27, 2014 at 8:06 am #2378

    Hi Rogelio,

    Welcome on board 🙂

    As you said correctly, you just bought our product then you should read our tutorials.


    Do not spam the Forum, is not useful indeed makes us angry.

    Always send one screenshoot of MSE (hiding your mail if you post in forum) and you explicit always the game that you want to play, we are good but not soothsayers.

    You do not have to ask for things like you’re crying, to get a better answer is always better to formulate a good question and specify your hardware.

    It is also important to indicate its sensitivity in game.

    best regards

    Team Support
    MSE ProGaming


    In reply to: Please configuration AEK971 core 3.5

    November 26, 2014 at 10:30 pm #2372

    nice…like a boss! 😉

    Many think that with macro is easier to shoot, I think the opposite …

    Anyway I think this is your skill is not MSE …. although fuck guys

    MSE is ROCK

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Admin.

    In reply to: Please configuration AEK971 core 3.5

    November 25, 2014 at 12:10 pm #2365

    can you post or send mail(is better) with your screenshoot of MSE settings?

    In reply to: Please configuration AEK971 core 3.5

    November 24, 2014 at 10:33 pm #2362

    DPI are not relevant, sensitivity means that configured in the game.

    this topic can help you:

    I need competitive aek setting

    In reply to: harware locked .. please help

    November 23, 2014 at 1:20 pm #2342


    In reply to: harware locked .. please help

    November 20, 2014 at 11:24 pm #2324

    ok u r ok now….but ….
    please do not duplicate the problems that already exist, just read to find the solution within them.

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